Biodiesel History & Production

Biodiesel History & Production

Nebraska AFNR:

  • Standard 3: Students will recognize the historical, social, cultural, and potential applications of biotechnology.
  • Benchmark 7.1: Define “biotechnology” and explore the historical impat it has had on agriculture.

Nebraska AFNR Environmental Science:

  • Standard 4: Students will differentiate non-renewable and renewable energy sources.
  • Benchmark 4.1: Classify energy sources as non-renewable and renewable.
  • Performance Indicator 4.1.1: Brainstorming energy sources
  • Performance Indicator 4.1.2: Describe how the energy sources are formed


  • The student will understand the history of biodiesel production with relation to U.S. and global events.
  • The student will understand the biodiesel cycle.
  • The student will understand the challenges and opportunities within biodiesel production.


Biodiesel History & Production Lesson Plan (PDF)